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Before 18.01.2001 all links were on the installation file that didn't overwrite
ichat.exe if version 1.11b3 was installed before. Now all installation files are
updated and it will overwrite it.
Chat is updated to version 1.11. Links are available on the Download
page. Server is still in testing stage and available for the users that want to test it.
Mail to me if you want.
Changes from 1.11b4:
[+] - |
icon in System Tray was shown after crush of Explorer even if it was set to don't show it there at all.
[+] - |
after command /smiles chat began to convert smiles symbols to pictures if this options was off.
[+] - |
sending messages from command line works for TCP/IP version.
[+] - |
fixed problem with private chats when TCP/IP is used.
[+] - |
sometimes user name was cut to 15 characters. Maximum length is changed to 45 characters.
[*] - |
name of the user that was set in command line (send message from command line) is cut if
length with computer name more then 45 characters. Name of the computer will be always
shown after this operation.
Version 1.11b4:
[-] - |
sending private messages from command line didn't work when TCP/IP is used.
[+] - |
added work using TCP/IP and dedicated server.
I have first version that works using TCP/IP and uses dedicated server.
I don't have any ability to test it in the network with some subnets. I tested
it only through the internet and it works.
This is the first version and I'm not sure that it works always rights. I need people that can test it in
the networks with some subnets. If somebody is interested and can test it then
mail to me.
Chat was updated to version 1.11b3.
[+] - |
after pressing on minimize button chat was minimized but focus wasn't given to the
previous application separated windows with chat status was shown sometimes even if
it was set to don't show it.
[+] - |
separated windows with chat status was shown sometimes even if it was set to don't show it.
[+] - |
it was possible to close separated window with chat status by Alt+F4 but after
this chat began to show exceptions.
[+] - |
command /nick and /nextnick didn't add new nickname to the list of the nicknames.
[*] - |
copy to the clipboard command didn't copy smiles.
[*] - |
added new command /smiles. It shows all available combinations and pictures that can
be used. Sometimes, for example :P, combination is show twice. It means that it's
possible to use it on both languages.
[*] - |
for the work groups and domains setting were added additional abilities:
1. Select from the list of the available groups. Chat tries to get list of available
work groups and domains. It networks works bad and you can't even open Network
Neighborhood then chat can stop to response on some time.
2. Add range of IP addresses.
3. Load list from the file.
4. Save list to the file.
[*] - |
added ability to send private messages right from the command line without running
chat. Message will be sent to the all users. Syntax of the command:
ichat /msg sender_name message
Name of the computer will be automatically added to the sender name. This is the small
defense from the users that will like to send a lot of messages without any responsibility.
In this case name of the computer will be always shown.
Chat was updated to version 1.11b2.
[+] - |
Alt+A (send private message to all) didn't work in the message editor.
It worked only when list of users was active.
[+] - |
chat returns focus to the previous application in such situations:
1. Hide using ESC key
2. Chat was shown using hotkey.
3. Private message is received and it's show in popup window. Then this popup
window was closed.
Before in all these cases floating window with chat status became active if
it was shown. If this window was not shown chat worked right.
[*] - |
chat restores icon in system tray after the restaring of explorer after it crash.
This function supported only when IE4+ with the Desktop Updates is installed.
In Windows 95 with IE4+ and the desktop updates is not tested. I don't have it anywhere here.
In Windows NT with IE 4.1 but without the Destop Updates doesn't work. In Microsoft
Documentation they wrote specially about it.
In Windows 2000 works.
In Windows 98 it has to work but I don't have ability to test it.
Very often I get question where to find WinTop or TaskInfo to check how much
processor time chat uses. I added links to the FAQ. Here they are:
TaskInfo2000 HomePage
I also found new version of update for Comctl32.dll from Microsoft. Users that use Windows 95 without IE+ can
download and install it.
Version 5.0
During last time I have less and less time for developing chat. As result I can't make
very big changes immediately. I don't think that it's a good idea to make some
small changes and then make a new version because it's take a lot of time to
make changes on all Software English and Russian web sites where I put
information about it. From the other side sometimes to fix bug takes only 10
minutes but new version only will be made after one month. Some users want to
have new version immediately when bug is fixed.
Additionally it's necessary to test new version more carefully but now I can't do this like
it was before. This is the reason why sometimes versions contains a lot of bugs. Very often
I have to make new version after some days where these bugs are fixed.
This are the reasons why I decided to put current versions like a beta versions on the page right
after the fixing bugs or adding new function. Links on them will be only on the News page. After
some time when enough changes will be made I will make new version.
Beta testers, You are welcome!
Today is first of such versions 1.11b1.
[+] - |
options dialog was shown not in the center of the screen.
[+] - |
if common chat page wasn't active and message in it was received icon for it wasn't changed to the ringing
phone. For the lines and private chats it worked right.
[+] - |
system message "Message board updated" sometimes was shown when new user was logged in but he doesn't
have any messages on the message board.
[+] - |
when private chat was created its name were not shown in the list of opened chats for the user. Empty
node was shown instead of its name.
[+] - |
chat state that is shown is floating panel (like in ICQ) sometimes was not the same like state that
is shown in system tray. Mostly it was the case when automatic "I'm away mode" was used. Situations:
1. Chat went to the "I'm away mode". Private message was received. Flag was shown. Mouse moving changed
chat state to the privious mode but flag was not shown anymore like it was shown in system tray.
2. Private message was received. Flag was shown. Chat automatically went to the "I'm away mode". Mouse
moving changed chat state to the privious mode but flag was not shown anymore like it was shown in
system tray.
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